Use Mega Bids to Drive Business Growth in 2025

To help contractors navigate the high-stakes government contracting environment, Lohfeld Consulting presents the ultimate list of 2025 mega bids. Table 1 provides an overview and updates on the status of 45 mega bids. The list covers key opportunities across multiple federal agencies, offering insight into potential contracts that could shape your business’s future. With billions of dollars on the line, strategic planning and early action are more crucial than ever.
Ultimate List of 2025 Mega Bids
These bids cover a spectrum of agencies and industry sectors, from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to the Department of Energy (DOE), catering to diverse contractor capabilities. To streamline your research, we included Deltek GovWin’s unique bid identifier to simplify tracking and analyzing relevant opportunities. Stay tuned as we blog about more of these bids in the coming weeks; we have included links below to relevant blogs we’ve already completed.
Table 1: FY2025 Mega Bids
# | Agency | Acronym | Name, NAICS, GovWin Opp ID | RFP Type, Competition Type | Value | RFP Date |
1 | U.S. Navy (USN), Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers (COMFRC) | CMMARS | Contracted Maintenance, Modification, Aircrew, and Related Services | NAICS: 488190, 336411, 336412 | Opp ID: 242815 Read more in our blog | Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ), Undetermined Competition Type | $12.6B | 03/2025 |
2 | General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Acquisition Service | ASCEND | ASCEND BPA Pool | NAICS: 518210 | Opp ID: 240951 | Blank Purchase Agreement (BPA), Full and Open/Unrestricted | $6.6B | 03/2025 (Likely to slide later into 2025) |
3 | U.S. Census Bureau | CenTAM | Census Bureau Transformation Application Modernization | NAICS: 541511 | Opp ID: 237323 Note: This bid will be released on GSA eBuy | BPA, Small Business Set-Aside | $1B | 03/2025 (Likely to slide later into 2025) |
4 | U.S. Army, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, Program Executive Office, Command, Control, and Communications Tactical (PEO C3T) | UNO POR | Unified Network Operations Program of Record | NAICS: 541512 | Opp ID: 215803 | IDIQ, Undetermined | $950K | 03/2025 |
5 | Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) | BEMSD BEAGLE | Office of Information Technology Border Enforcement Management Systems Directorate, Border Enforcement Applications for Government Leading Edge Information Technology | NAICS: 541512 | Opp ID: 201474 | Task/Delivery Order, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $1.9B | 03/2025 (Will probably slide to the right) |
6 | U.S. Air Force (USAF), Air Education and Training Command | AETC BOS MAC | Air Education Training Command Base Operations, Multiple Award Contract | NAICS: 561210 | Opp ID: 241870 Read more in our blog | IDIQ, Undetermined | $4B | 03/2025 |
7 | U.S. Army, Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA (ALT)), Program Executive Office, Command (PEO) Ground Combat Systems (GCS), Program Management Office for Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (PMO AMPV) | AMPV FOVS STS | System Technical Support (STS) Services for the new Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) Family of Vehicles (FoVs) | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 244898 | Undetermined | $600K | 03/2025 |
8 | Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Joint Service Provider (JSP) | – | DISA Joint Service Provider (JSP) Modernize, Engineer Lifecycle Refresh (Model) BPA | NAICS: 541512 | Opp ID: 229720 | BPA, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $927K | 03/2025 |
9 | Dept. of Defense (DOD), Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office | AAMAC | Advancing Artificial Intelligence Multiple Award Contract | NAICS: 541511 | Opp ID: 246431 Note: Amendment 1 was released on 02/02/2025 | IDIQ, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $1.5B | 03/2025 |
10 | Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), Management Directorate | CWMS 3.0 | Cellular Wireless Managed Services | NAICS: 517121 | Opp ID: 244497 | IDIQ, Small Business Set-Aside | $1.5B | 03/24/2025 |
11 | U.S. Navy (USN) Integrated Training Environment | Seaport NXG | Navy Integrated Training Environment | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 206014 Note: Source Sought responses were due 02/14/2025 | Task/Delivery Order, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $1B | 03/2025 |
12 | Dept. of Defense (DOD), Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) | ATSP5 F&O | Advanced Technology Support Program V | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 227673 | IDIQ, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $17.4B | 04/2025 |
13 | U.S. Army, Army Materiel Command, Communications-Electronics Command | MAPS | Marketplace for the Acquisition of Professional Services | NAICS: 541715 | Opp ID: 234430 Note: On 02/07/2025, the government released a new draft RFP, Amendments 1-6, and timeline (refer to our updated blog) | IDIQ, Small Business Set-Aside/Unrestricted | $50B | 04/28/2025 |
14 | U.S. Navy (USN), Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) | VENTI MACC | VENTI Multiple Award Construction Contract | NAICS: 236220 | Opp ID: 240536 | IDIQ, Undetermined Competition Type | $5B – $10B | 04/2025 |
15 | Dept. of Energy (DOE), Office of Legacy Management (LM) | LMS | Legacy Management Support Services | NAICS: 562910 | Opp ID: 217344 | IDIQ, Small Business Set-Aside | $1B | 04/2025 |
16 | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Air Traffic Organization (ATO) | PMO/PTAC | Program Management Office Technical Assistance Contract | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 229595 | IDIQ, Small Business Set-Aside, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $1.3B | 04/04/2025 |
17 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center | PAAC VI | Program Analysis and Control Services VI | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 215486 | IDIQ, 8(a) Set-Aside | $745K | 04/2025 (Good chance of slipping) |
18 | Dept. of State (DOS), Bureau of Diplomatic Security | ACCESS | ACCESS | NAICS: 334111 | Opp ID: 193020 | Undetermined, Small Business Set-Aside | $5B | 04/2025 |
19 | U.S. Space Force (USSF) Space Systems Command (SSC) | CMSS | Combat Mission System Support | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 243248 | Other, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $573K | 04/2025 |
20 | U.S. Air Force (USAF), National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) | ASTRA | Advisory Support and Technical Requirement Administration | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 245427 Note: The ASTRA Industry Day was scheduled for 03/03/2025 | IDIQ, Full and Open, Small Business Set-Aside | $480K | 05/2025 |
21 | U.S. Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | UMCS | Utility Monitor and Control Systems VI | NAICS: 541512 | Opp ID: 235221 | IDIQ, Undetermined | $2.5B | 05/2025 |
22 | Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) | ISAP V | Intensive Supervision Appearance Program V | NAICS: 561210 | Opp ID: 210051 | Undetermined, Full and Open/ Unrestricted | $2.2B | 05/2025 |
23 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Marshall Space Flight Center | ESSCA II | Engineering Services and Science Capability Augmentation II | NAICS: 541715 | Opp ID: 191617 | IDIQ, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $1.9B | 05/2025 |
24 | U.S. Air Force (USAF), Air Force Materiel Command, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Mobility Aircraft Directorate (AFLCMC/WL) and Presidential and Executive Airlift Directorate (AFLCMC/WV) | EPASS | Engineering Professional and Administrative Support Services in Support of AFLCMC Mobility Aircraft Directorate and President Executive Airlift Directorate | NAICS: 541512 | Opp ID: 248836 Note: The government released an RFI on 10/21/2024 | Task/Delivery Order, Small Business Set-Aside | $781K | 05/2025 |
25 | Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) | VPAS | Veterans Affairs Processing and Automation Services | NAICS: 518210 | Opp ID: 223015 | IDIQ, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $5.4B | 06/2025 |
26 | Dept. of State (DOS), Office of Overseas Buildings Operations | — | Worldwide Design Build General Construction IDIQ Contracts | NAICS: 236220 | Opp ID: 240023 | IDIQ, Undetermined | $4.5B | 06/2025 |
27 | Dept. of Defense (DOD), U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) | OPIAS | Operational Planning Implementation and Assessment Services | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 242887 | Task/Delivery Order, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $979K | 07/2025 |
28 | General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) | 2GIT (Follow-On) | Second Generation Information Technology BPA | NAICS: 334210, 334111, 334112 | Opp ID: 246719 | BPA, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $5.5B | 07/2025 |
29 | Health and Human Services (HHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH) | — | AEC NIH Architect Engineering Multiple Award Task Order Contracts MATOC | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 229267 Note: The Source Sought response was due 01/24/2025 | IDIQ/Undetermined | $500K | 07/2025 |
30 | Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Construction and Facilities Management | — | Design Build Services Central, Eastern, and Western Regions NAICS: 236220 | Opp ID: 217282 (Eastern) | Opp ID: 217284 (Central) | Opp ID: 217281 (Western) | IDIQ/Undetermined | $9B (total) | 07/2025 |
31 | Dept. of Defense (DOD), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC) | — | Defensive Systems Analysis | NAICS: 541715 | Opp ID: 242191 Note: There is one SSN dated 04/24/2024 | IDIQ/Undetermined | $737K | 07/2025 |
32 | U.S. Army, Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC), White Sands Missile Range, White Sands Test Center | WSMR MSS | White Sands Missile Range Mission Support Services | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 223438 Note: The draft MSS PWS was made available on 02/06/2025 | IDIQ, Undetermined | $500K | 08/2025 |
33 | Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Information Technology (OIT) | TASPO OM BISS | OIT Targeting and Analysis Systems Program Office Operations and Maintenance and Business Intelligence Support Services | NAICS: 541519 | Opp ID: 226701 | Task/Delivery Order, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $1.15B | 09/2025 |
34 | U.S. Air Force (USAF), Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Information Directorate | EPIC | Expansion and Prototype Initiative for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, and Cyber | NAICS: 541715 | Opp ID: 245793 | IDIQ/Undetermined | $499K | 09/2025 |
35 | U.S. Air Force (USAF), Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), Air Force Test Center (AFTC) | TMAS 3 | Technical and Management Advisory Services for the Test Enterprise | NAICS: 541715 | Opp ID: 238686 Note: The Air Force published Industry Day notes on 01/07/2025 and the Industry Briefing on 02/06/2025. Read more in our blog | Task/Delivery Order, Small Business Set-Aside | $1.5B | 09/2025 |
36 | U.S. Army, Assistant Secretary for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA (ALT)), Program Executive Office (PEO) Enterprise | ADP 2.0 | ARDAP Army Data Platform 2.0 | NAICS: 541512 | Opp ID: 247602 Note: Industry Day slides were released on 01/24/2025 | IDIQ/Undetermined | $1B | 09/2025 |
37 | Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) | NGD | Next-Generation Desktop | NAICS: 541512 | Opp ID: 225800 | Other, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $455K | 09/2025 |
38 | Dept. of Defense (DOD), Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) | IAC MAC | DTIC Information Analysis Centers Multiple Award Contract | NAICS: 541715 | Opp ID: 224035 | IDIQ, Small Business Set-Aside, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $48B | 09/2025 |
39 | Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), Transportation Security Administration (TSA) | TSA PASS | TSA Program Analysis Strategic Support | NAICS: 541611 | Opp ID: 221584 | BPA, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $350K | 10/2025 |
40 | U.S. Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Sacramento District | — | USACE South Pacific Division Construction MATOC | NAICS: 236220 | Opp ID: 235178 | IDIQ, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $2B | 11/2025 |
41 | Dept. of Energy (DOE), Office of the Under Secretary for Science and Innovation, Chicago Operations Office | MOC ANL | Management and Operating Contractor for Argonne National Laboratory | NAICS: 541715 | Opp ID: 110110 | Other, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $14.6B | 11/2025 |
42 | Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), Management Directorate, Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO), Office of Procurement Operations | — | DHS-Wide Temporary Facilities and Services | NAICS: 541210, 531120 | Opp ID: 247482 | BPA, Small Business Set-Aside | $7.5B | 11/2025 |
43 | Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO), Office of Information Technology (OIT) | ISS | Infrastructure Support Services | NAICS: 541512 | Opp ID: 214930 | Other, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $431K | 11/2025 |
44 | U.S. Air Force (USAF), Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center (AFNWC), Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Systems Directorate | LMTF | Future Little Mountain Test Facility Testing Operation and Maintenance Contract | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 240968 Note: On 01/22/2025, the Government issued a Draft PWS and a CSDR Plan | IDIQ/Undetermined | $599K | 12/2025 |
45 | U.S. Navy (USN), Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Pacific | SIOP | Waterfront Projects in Support of the Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program | NAICS: 541330 | Opp ID: 224631 | IDIQ, Full and Open/Unrestricted | $500K | 01/2026 |
Updates on Pending Mega Bids
Before we close, let’s examine some large multi-award contracts that are either in source selection or in progress:
- Alliant 3: GSA released Alliant 3 on June 28, 2024, due February 24, 2025. An amendment was issued on January 23, 2025.
- CIO-SP4: The National Institutes of Health Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC) released CIO-SP4 on May 25, 2021. Since then, the bid has undergone many amendments and protests. Therefore, NITAAC extended CIO-SP3 contracts until April 2025, and it is likely to award CIO-SP4 contracts then.
- SEWP VI: The Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) Program Office released SEWP VI on May 23, 2024, and proposals were submitted on February 19, 2025.
Lohfeld Consulting remains committed to helping our clients navigate these complex procurement processes, ensuring they are well-prepared to seize opportunities and contribute to the nation’s evolving needs. With our expertise in proposal management and strategic consulting, we are poised to help businesses effectively compete and succeed in this dynamic market.
If you need capture management, proposal management, writing, or graphics support to pursue these bids, don’t hesitate to contact us.
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