Conquer WSMR MSS – How to Master Your Proposal Strategy Now

On March 3, 2025, the U.S. Army provided the Industry Day Q&As and an updated Performance Work Statement (PWS) for the upcoming White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) Mission Support Services (MSS) request for proposal (RFP). Empower your team by exploring the information herein, which provides a review of requirements and advice for offerors.

At a Glance

With an estimated value of $500M, the White Sands Test Center requires services to support the planning, logistics, operation, maintenance, research, and development of systems, equipment, and facilities for the WSMR Test and Evaluation mission. Table 1 provides tracking information for the RFP on GovWin and

Table 1: Tracking the Opportunity

ItemIdentification Number
Solicitation NumberW51EW724R0020
GovWin Opportunity ID Number223438 Notice IDW51EW7-24-R-0020

WSMR MSS Solicitation Information

Offerors have roughly five months to prepare their bids between the release of the draft and the final RFP.  Table 2 provides solicitation information for this opportunity.

Table 2: WSMR MSS Solicitation Information

February 12, 2025Industry Day
March 3, 2025Industry Day Q&A and updated Draft PWS
August 2025Anticipated Solicitation Release Date
August 2026Anticipated Award

Place of Performance

Work will be performed at the Stallion Range Center, Mid-Range Tularosa Gate, Holloman Air Force Base, Fort Bliss, and other locations to be determined based on mission requirements. These locations may include other sites in the Continental United States (CONUS) and Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS).

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria are currently unknown. On the current contract, proposals were evaluated based on four capabilities:

  • Factor 1 – Mission Capability
  • Factor 2 – Past Performance
  • Factor 3 – Small Business Participation
  • Factor 4 – Cost

The Mission Capability factor is significantly more important than the Past Performance factor. The Past Performance factor is equal to the Small Business Participation Factor. The combined non-cost factors (Mission Capability, Past Performance, and Small Business Participation) are significantly more important than the Cost Factor. Past Performance will be assessed for relative risks associated with the offeror’s likelihood of success in performing the requirement.

Bid/No Bid Concerns

When making bid/no-bid decisions, offerors should be aware of the requirement for a Project Cost Management System that features real-time data tracking, efficient search functions, and reliable data backup. Offerors will be required to demonstrate system effectiveness in cost tracking, reporting, adaptability, and user-friendliness. The full system requirements will be released with the final solicitation, potentially impacting offerors’ bidding ability.

Industry Day Highlights

The Industry Day Q&As provided potential offerors with additional information that may impact their bid/no bid decision or proposal development:

  • The government will not issue a draft RFP.
  • The Government cannot guarantee early release of Sections L&M. 
  • Offerors will need to determine the necessary full-time employees (FTEs) and staffing levels; however, the Government will provide labor hours by category.
  • The Government has an ongoing interest in expanding and modernizing its capabilities, such as enhanced and updated meteorology reports to support range activities.

Draft PWS and Previous PWS Differences

There are some differences between the draft and previous RFP requirements. The draft PWS provides:

  • More detail on training requirements
  • Enhanced security and safety requirements
  • Expanded scope, including research experiments and testing programs


The White Sands Missile Range Mission Support Services opportunity is an exciting chance for offerors to make a meaningful impact on military operations. With the latest updates and a clear timeline, it’s a good time for bidders to match their strengths with the government’s needs. By embracing innovation and modernizing services, offerors can shine as valuable partners.

Contact Lohfeld Consulting today to begin your journey toward a successful WSMR MSS bid.

Relevant Information

By Dana Katalinas, Vice President, APMP Member, GPA Member

Lohfeld Consulting Group has proven results specializing in helping companies create winning captures and proposals. As the premier capture and proposal services consulting firm focused exclusively on government markets, we provide expert assistance to government contractors in Capture Planning and Strategy, Proposal Management and Writing, Capture and Proposal Process and Infrastructure, and Training. In the last 3 years, we’ve supported over 550 proposals winning more than $170B for our clients—including the Top 10 government contractors. Lohfeld Consulting Group is your “go-to” capture and proposal source! Start winning by contacting us at and join us on LinkedInFacebook, and YouTube(TM).