How to Improve Win Rates through Asset Integration and Content Management

As BD professionals, we care about ALL information assets of our organizations. More than any other group, we appreciate the potential value, from competitive differentiation to reusable content to proof points to innovations, awards, and recognitions. The list goes on. All of this intelligence represents potential content for proposals. Thus, it is essential that we take an active role in the establishment and maintenance of a content library. This session will explore strategies to define the library; engage organizational components in sharing/contributing to the library; ensuring data is relevant and current; and using the content library to produce winning proposals. A well-managed content library will save significant time and effort crafting future responses. An added benefit is that it also brings your organization together in pursuit of a common goal: winning new business.

Why this session is important:

Asset integration and content management challenges and limitations may arise from start-up or acquisition circumstances, or as political, territorial, stovepipe, and cultural side effects of corporate growth. Most companies would perform better BD and win more business with an increased corporate focus on developing, integrating, and managing their corporate knowledge.

Takeaways include:

Small or large, start-up or mature – all companies require effective integration and use of corporate knowledge assets to be successful. The potential value of information, from performance metrics to reusable content, lies in its ability to help companies win new business. True integration is achieved through enterprise collaboration and a corporate culture focused on winning.

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Maryann Lesnick, CP APMP is a principal consultant with Lohfeld Consulting Group, with 30+ years’ business development, writing, editing, capture, proposal, project, and quality management experience. For APMP-NCA: Membership chair (2016), chapter president (2014-15), vice president (2012-13), Logistics chair (2011), and Boot Camp chair (2010). She is a Practitioner Level APMP certification mentor, ACT-IAC Fellow, certified Microsoft Office specialist, certified scrum master, and she has a BS in Mathematics and a Master’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies.

Connect with Maryann on LinkedIn.