Capture and proposal innovations: Heed the law of physics

A law of physics states that “an object at rest tends to remain at rest, and an object in motion tends to remain in motion.” Scientists call this tendency inertia.

The same holds true for our professional growth. When we do the same thing day after day, our aspirations wither on the vine. When you enable stagnation by remaining at rest, you end up making yourself and those around you miserable.

Are you stuck in your cubicle or war room staring at the four walls and wondering how to ignite fresh career growth? So many of us think that being a great capture or proposal professional involves a lot of time at the office. We tell ourselves that now isn’t the right time to try something new, that we’re too busy to find time to work out, much less explore new career avenues. Somehow, it’s never the right time to leave our comfort zone.

So, like the law of physics with regard to inertia, we remain at rest. Luckily, so many opportunities are right in front of us to remain in motion.

Pursue APMP Certification

Either take the first step to get Foundation certified or the next to obtain Practitioner or even Professional level certification. Studies have shown that certification offers clear return on investment (ROI) through career progression and professional impact.

According to APMP, certification offers the following benefits:

  1. Demonstrates you are serious about your career and profession.
  2. Improves your own business development capabilities.
  3. Provides an independent validation of your knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities.
  4. Enhances how others in the organization see you and how you see yourself.
  5. Defines and validates your role as a professional contributor.

Certification mentors are willing to help if you are uncertain how to proceed.

Participate in APMP at the International or Chapter Level

At the local level, APMP-NCA is largest Chapter in the United States with nearly 1,100 diverse business development, capture, and proposal professionals. Serving on the APMP-NCA Board or participating on one of the Board committee brings clear benefits:

  1. Expands your network of peers, professional contacts, and community thought leaders.
  2. Helps you develop and grow as a leader.
  3. Cultivates new skills and experiences.
  4. Makes an impact on the capture and proposal community.
  5. Rounds out your own resume.

Contact any of us on the APMP-NCA Board of Directors, and we will find the perfect opportunity for you to participate and grow professionally!

Be Heard!

APMP-NCA offers members the chance to present new ideas, share strategies, and start a dialogue with peers at quarterly Speaker Series events, live webinars, our annual Mid-Atlantic Conference & Expo, and our Capture Breakfast. You can also be heard by writing an Executive Summary eZine article or a blog post. Public speaking and professional writing opportunities help avoid stagnation with the following unbeatable benefits:

  1. Provides a venue to meet new or strengthen existing contacts.
  2. Improves communication skills.
  3. Shares your ideas with the professional community.
  4. Rounds out your resume.
  5. Boosts self-esteem.

Join APMP-NCA’s Mentor-Protégé Program

The APMP-NCA Mentor-Protégé Program is accepting applications until December 1. This award winning program invites the industry’s best and brightest to partner together for professional growth. Our program:

  1. Builds lasting professional and personal relationships.
  2. Bridges the generation gap.
  3. Shares lessons learned.
  4. Helps you learn about the Chapter and our members.
  5. Adds yet another item to your resume.

With all of these great professional growth opportunities, it is hard to imagine how any of our members could fall prey to inertia!

by Lisa Pafe, CPP APMP Fellow, APMP-NCA Vice President

Connect with Lisa on LinkedIn

Reprinted by permission from the Fall 2015 APMP-NCA Executive Summary


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Lohfeld Consulting