How good proposal managers must be two-faced to succeed

A good proposal manager has two distinct faces: one is strategic; one is tactical. Everyone is familiar with the tactical aspects of proposal management get the team organized, create and stick to the schedule, and make sure delivery is on time. The other face is strategic, working with the capture manager to identify the storyline for the effort, getting the discriminators identified early, and helping the capture manager gather the intelligence that will ensure the final product is not just compliant, but really sells the firm.

Good proposal managers are able to go beyond the mastery of the process steps and interact at an executive level with the capture manager, account executives, and company leadership to ensure that strategy and tactics are synchronized. This session examines the two sides of proposal management, discussing how to incorporate that strategic element into proposal execution. Download Are Good Proposal Managers Two Faced_APMP Dallas 2012_Kristin Pennypacker presentation and speaker notes.

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Speaker: Kristin Pennypacker, a Principal Consultant at Lohfeld Consulting Group, specializes in competitive strategy and proposal management to win strategic opportunities in DoD and civil markets. She provides strategic leadership and coaching for both capture and proposal efforts, working with senior managers and staff on all aspects of procurements, including competitive assessment, captures strategy, offer definition, and proposal development. Prior to joining Lohfeld Consulting Group, she was a senior leader in Booz Allen Hamilton’s Critical Strategic Initiatives (CSI) team. CSI brought the firm’s most experienced competitive strategists and proposal experts together to focus on the largest, most complicated, and most strategic competitive procurements.