How to promote compelling gate reviews and strategic discussions

A war council is held to decide on a course of action when matters of great importance must be decided, consensus must be reached, or when a leader is unsure of his position. In capture and proposal efforts, teams battle to gain insight into opportunities. Gate reviews should be treated as war councils that examine critical decisions and build information from one review to the next to develop a complete picture of the opportunity. Many teams do not achieve this level of discussion, nor do they thoroughly examine what they do and don’t know, where and how to gather needed information, and how to advance their strategic goals. Teams fail to engage senior management in key discussions that could change the game.

Brooke Crouter explores how to build compelling gate reviews, when to hold them, and how to generate strategic discussions. She explores material that should be presented and discusses how to build that material through capture so the team can determine its proposal readiness.

From Gate Review to War Council: Strategic Advance