30 must-have data elements for proposal past performance templates

Over the years, I’ve developed a proposal past performance contents template that combines requested past performance write-up contents from hundreds of government requests for proposals (RFP).

Here are the items I typically include in a master past performance write-up – which can then be cut down and tailored as needed.

  1. Contract name
  2. Project name
  3. Customer name
  4. Standard industrial code
  5. Task/delivery order number (if applicable)
  6. Task period of performance (if applicable)
  7. Classified/non-classified
  8. Contracted contract value
  9. Actual contract value (and explanation of any variance)
  10. Contracted task value (if applicable)
  11. Actual task value (and explanation of any variance) (if applicable)
  12. Award fee (if applicable)
  13. Subcontractor(s) names and contact information (if applicable)
  14. Percentage of work performed by subcontractor(s) (if applicable)
  15. Total contract labor hours
  16. Total task labor hours (if applicable)
  17. Program manager (if applicable)
  18. Project manager (if applicable)
  19. Key staff names (if applicable)
  20. Last date used as past performance reference and/or questionnaire completed
  21. Software used (if applicable)
  22. Hardware used (if applicable)
  23. Awards received – company (if applicable)
  24. Awards received – individual project staff (if applicable)
  25. Deliverables
  26. Project summary (one or two paragraphs maximum)
  27. Complete project description (provide complete description and then tailor to RFP requirements)
  28. Problems encountered and corrective actions taken
  29. Innovative solutions provided
  30. Any other categories relevant to your industry/niche marketplace

Additionally, I always format the master past performance write-ups using MS Word styles for tailoring quickly to RFP specifications.

Set up a regular schedule (typically once to twice a year) for updating all company past performances. Develop a Past Performance Update Tracking Sheet that you can sort by date of next update, responsible project/program manager, and status. Make this an integral part of your project/program managers’ yearly performance reviews, and you’ll quickly build an up-to-date repository that helps reduce your proposal development stress!

What additional items do you track on your past performance information template? Send an email to me listing your must have items, and I’ll update my list! BWingate@LohfeldConsulting.com.


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Lohfeld Consulting