Tag: winning proposals


Unlock Hidden SME Power to Create Winning Proposals

Have you ever left a Subject Matter Expert (SME) meeting more confused than when you walked in? It happens to the best of us, but don’t worry—there are ways to… Continue reading Unlock Hidden SME Power to Create Winning Proposals

Keys to creating winning proposals | Amtower Off Center

Click here to listen to Mark’s interview On March 4, 2019, Amtower Off Center, host Mark Amtower interviewed Bob Lohfeld, founder and CEO of Lohfeld Consulting Group on issues regarding the… Continue reading Keys to creating winning proposals | Amtower Off Center

Q&A Part 1: 7 secrets from inside government source evaluations

Do you know how the government really evaluates proposals? Have you ever wondered what they look for when they read through each offer and what they like and dislike when… Continue reading Q&A Part 1: 7 secrets from inside government source evaluations