Tag: CIO-SP4


Victory Against the Odds: GWAC Survival Tactics

Winning a government-wide acquisition contract (GWAC) sets agencies and their contractors up for long-term success by giving them an easy and cost-effective method to compete with their requirements and contractors’… Continue reading Victory Against the Odds: GWAC Survival Tactics

Increase Your Preparedness for Self-Scoring Proposals

The popularity of self-scoring proposals demands a new level of preparedness from bid and proposal professionals. This adaptive method, where contractors evaluate their qualifications against criteria and substantiate their capabilities… Continue reading Increase Your Preparedness for Self-Scoring Proposals

CIO-SP4 Next Steps for You to Take Now

Preliminary notification of an award The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC) announced they’re providing preliminary notifications of apparent successful offerors for CIO-SP4 on… Continue reading CIO-SP4 Next Steps for You to Take Now

How CIO-SP4 is setting a record for protests!

Jason Miller, Executive Editor at Federal News Network, reached out to me about what went wrong with the CIO-SP4 procurement. I told him NIH should stop trying to restrict the number… Continue reading How CIO-SP4 is setting a record for protests!

Polaris Pre-Award Protest: The New Normal for MACs?

The General Services Administration (GSA) issued the final Multiple Award Contract (MAC) RFPs for the Polaris women-owned Small Business (WOSB) and Small Business (SB) pools on March 25. This much… Continue reading Polaris Pre-Award Protest: The New Normal for MACs?

Does the latest CIO-SP4 amendments create inequities?

The National Institutes of Health Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC)’s highly anticipated Chief Information Officer – Solutions and Partners 4 (CIO-SP4) RFP, released June 25, has already seen… Continue reading Does the latest CIO-SP4 amendments create inequities?