How to know what makes your bid a winner or a loser
I was asked to review a major best-value bid for a firm that was notified they had lost and wanted to protest. Emotions were running high, and they were making… Continue reading How to know what makes your bid a winner or a loser
Marketing: the engine and fuel that drives successful companies
Peter F. Drucker (1909–2005), the world-renowned management visionary and guru, was fond of saying, “Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two—and only two—functions: Marketing and… Continue reading Marketing: the engine and fuel that drives successful companies
How to navigate a significant decline in revenue
A significantly greater proportion of large businesses indicated that 2013 revenue was essentially flat or had a moderate decline, while a significantly greater proportion of small businesses indicated a significant… Continue reading How to navigate a significant decline in revenue
How to operate differently in 2014
Chris Dorobek recently interviewed Bob Lohfeld to get more insights from our poll of government contractors’ 2013 results and 2014 competitive strategy changes.
Can we really improve information technology procurement? Absolutely.
procurement By Eric Gregory, Senior Vice President of Consulting at Shipley Associates and Bob Lohfeld, Founder and CEO of Lohfeld Consulting Group Witness the latest debacle in IT procurement:… Continue reading Can we really improve information technology procurement? Absolutely.
How government contractors can reshape growth strategies in 2014
With three out of every four government contractors having flat or declining sales in 2013, it should come as no surprise that many companies are rethinking their go-to-market strategy and… Continue reading How government contractors can reshape growth strategies in 2014
APMP NCA mentorship program – a chance to pay it forward
December 4 was a great milestone in APMP-NCA history—our chapter kicked off a new mentorship program to pair experienced capture and proposal professionals with less-experienced protégés. Lohfeld Consulting Group Principal… Continue reading APMP NCA mentorship program – a chance to pay it forward
10 capture activities you can implement now
As you prepare for 2014, take a good look at your capture management process. Each company implements its capture management process to fit its culture and management structure, and all… Continue reading 10 capture activities you can implement now
How to bring a proposal team to a single POV? Ask the Proposal Doctor
As the proposal manager, how can I bring everyone around to a single point of view so that we can get on with it?
How sequestration and shutdowns can impact contractors
Nearly two-thirds of government contractors experienced moderate to significant revenue decline in 2013 as a result of sequestration and the government shutdown, according to a new PulsePoll™ of government contractors by Market Connections, Inc. and Lohfeld Consulting Group, Inc.