Category: Uncategorized
How to help your proposal team avoid burnout
It’s impossible to move any deadlines and still get the proposal done, and it’s going to be impossible to meet the deadlines given the level of exhaustion. Because of multiple proposal extensions, this situation has been intensifying for the last 3 weeks.
4 Keys to better capture analytics
Making measurements provides a quantitative basis for assessing and optimizing your capture process. With measurement, you have a basis to improve your process; without it, you are just guessing.
Why show up if everyone else wants to run the proposal show? Ask the Proposal Doctor
All of a sudden, everyone on my team is obsessed with fonts and kerning and other aspects of desktop publishing. People who should be worried about the solution and the price are weighing in on the appearance of the document. Everyone has an opinion on the best color scheme, margins, headers, footers, and text boxes.
100 words that kill your proposals
UPDATED JUNE 2023 Inexperienced proposal writers seem to use words that should be avoided when writing proposals. These inappropriate words and phrases can weaken a proposal, annoy evaluators, and even… Continue reading 100 words that kill your proposals
How low-price contracting makes us all losers
We are seeing a procurement strategy shift for technical and professional services bids brought about by procurement officials using lowest price, technically acceptable (LPTA) evaluation criteria rather than the more traditional best-value tradeoff criteria.
Focus on proposal priorities, not on crises
We can’t manufacture more hours in the day, so allocation and best use of each hour is critical.
Lohfeld team presents at APMP’s Bid & Proposal Con 2012
Check out our team’s presentations, and be sure to download AppMaven’s 2012 Favorite PC Tools and iPad Apps!
Building the technical solution – the Lego effect
One of a capture and proposal team’s goals should be early translation of client requirements into a solution addressing critical client business issues. Early development of a preliminary solution allows… Continue reading Building the technical solution – the Lego effect
How good proposal managers must be two-faced to succeed
A good proposal manager has two distinct faces: one is strategic; one is tactical. Everyone is familiar with the tactical aspects of proposal management get the team organized, create and… Continue reading How good proposal managers must be two-faced to succeed
PC/iPad tools and apps that deliver on a shoestring budget
Proposal gurus fuse many specialized elements to develop winning proposals. Leverage AppMaven’s time and effort-reducing PC tools, iPad apps, and tricks to develop and manage your proposals more efficiently and… Continue reading PC/iPad tools and apps that deliver on a shoestring budget