Category: Uncategorized


How to create winning technical solutions now

In this article, I’m going to describe the process we use to ensure we develop solutions that will score well when reviewed by government proposal evaluators.

Helping proposal introverts open up and play nice? Ask the Proposal Doctor

Our solution architect is a brilliant person who is also a Serious Geek and unreconstructed introvert. This person does not want to interact with anyone and does not express himself well in writing. He will only talk to people who are as technical as he is, and that is a very small club.

Need to keep an accurate compliance matrix? Ask the Proposal Doctor

As wonderful as automated RFP-shredding tools are, they don’t provide a good answer to multiple amendments and Q&As. Wendy Frieman shares her time-tested approach.

How the government is starting to hate LPTA

I was surprised (and relieved) to learn that government proposal evaluators are pushing back on the use of lowest price, technically acceptable (LPTA) evaluation criteria—and for good reason.

Getting a non-producer to deliver? Ask the Proposal Doctor

Proposal Doctor Wendy Frieman shares techniques for dealing with a proposal writer whose work is “in progress, ready soon” – but never delivered.

How to get the most from your proposal budget

Today companies are trying to make the most of every dollar to increase their competitive edge. Even a small decrease in overhead costs or increase in productivity can make big difference. Our presentation decomposes a budget for developing a 30-day proposal and a 10-day proposal for small, medium, and large companies and provides recommendations for decreasing costs, while also streamlining workflow, effectively using automation, and working smarter not harder.

Our presentation also describes how we implement management best practices like Agile, Information Technology Infrastructure Library® (ITIL), and Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), and commonly used tools and technology to generate cost savings.

We describe how doing more with less does not mean longer hours for less pay, but rather leverages continuous process improvement, teamwork, creativity, and ongoing training to result in long-term savings. The presentation shares best practices for cost savings.

Questioning the questions? Ask the Proposal Doctor

Dear Proposal Doctor, The battle over which questions to send to the government customer on a long and not-very-well-written RFP has begun. The desktop publishers want to ask about fonts.… Continue reading Questioning the questions? Ask the Proposal Doctor

How can you afford to chase premium price

When the government awards a contract to other than the lowest priced offeror, it pays a price premium to make that award. How much price premium the government will pay is left to the judgment of the selecting official. Here’s what we learned from GAO studies and how you can apply this to your capture strategy.

Acquisition Reform – Review of Best Value Procurements (B-281983) GAO Study

Acquisition Reform – Review of Best Value Procurements (B-281983)

Enhanced Training Could Strengthen DOD’s Best Value Tradeoff Decisions (GAO-11-8)

GAO Study – Enhanced Training Could Strengthen DOD’s Best Value Tradeoff Decisions (GAO-11-8)