Category: Proposal Management
Top 10 tips for doing more with less
In these days of corporate belt-tightening and layoffs, we all are being called on to do more with less or generate more wins with fewer resources. So, we assembled 10… Continue reading Top 10 tips for doing more with less
The great belt-tightening
As we have all read, tens of thousands of staff were laid off in late 2022 and early 2023, including those listed below: We have also seen many companies begin… Continue reading The great belt-tightening
Bid and proposal department “Boss for a Day”
What would you do if you were hired tomorrow to create a bid and proposal department from scratch? Here’s the scenario. The company sells custom services and plans to dedicate… Continue reading Bid and proposal department “Boss for a Day”
Teaming friends, frenemies, and enemies – 12 tips to mitigate harmful effects
Did you know that contracting officers spend up to 20% of their time mitigating disputes between teaming partners? In an informal poll we conducted on LinkedIn last month, 40% of… Continue reading Teaming friends, frenemies, and enemies – 12 tips to mitigate harmful effects
Getting Ready for OASIS+: Prepare before, during, and after the bid to win more task orders | WEBINAR REPLAY
Click to watch our free OASIS+ webinar replay and learn: How to prepare for the OASIS+ bid prior to the RFP release How to prepare your proposal response efficiently and… Continue reading Getting Ready for OASIS+: Prepare before, during, and after the bid to win more task orders | WEBINAR REPLAY
Run your next proposal review like the government
There is a dichotomy between the way industry and government Source Selection Evaluation Boards (SSEBs) run proposal reviews. In industry, reviewers read the entire proposal and make in-line recommendations concerning… Continue reading Run your next proposal review like the government
The reasons why OASIS+ is the bid for you
GSA released the Draft OASIS+ Multi-Agency Contract (MAC) RFP on November 15, and vendors around the beltway and the country are reviewing it to make their bid decisions. What opportunity… Continue reading The reasons why OASIS+ is the bid for you
“Evolve Care Package” for creating a high-scoring proposal
The U.S. Department of State (DOS) Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM) is about to release its $10B Evolve IDIQ. The bid is highly competitive—hundreds of companies showed interest during… Continue reading “Evolve Care Package” for creating a high-scoring proposal
Alliant 3 – Opportunity at a glance
GSA released a Draft Request for Proposal (DRFP) and questions template for Alliant 3 on October 19, 2022. On October 21, GSA released an Alliant 3 Modification with a new… Continue reading Alliant 3 – Opportunity at a glance
The steps to move your proposal score from green to blue now
Checklist for moving your proposal score from Green to Blue Step 1: Understand the scoring criteria Understand how the government is prioritizing the scores and what criteria carries more weight.… Continue reading The steps to move your proposal score from green to blue now