Category: Proposal Management


How crazy subcontractors can kill your bid

Have you ever had a subcontractor kill your bid? Surprisingly, it’s not all that infrequent that a subcontractor can do you in. Here are some of the situations we have… Continue reading How crazy subcontractors can kill your bid

How non-desktop publishers can make the most of MS Word

MS Word has become the industry standard tool for developing proposals—are you getting the most out of the tool to make your proposals look professional? Beth Wingate, aka AppMaven, revealed… Continue reading How non-desktop publishers can make the most of MS Word

How to deal with contracting offices that don’t allow interaction with industry

During Bob Lohfeld’s recent Bold trends in capture and proposal management webinar, part of the Lohfeld Business Winning Webinar Series, Bob presented some of the more interesting trends in capture… Continue reading How to deal with contracting offices that don’t allow interaction with industry

Proposal production checklists (Part 2 of 4)

As a follow up to Briana Coleman’s proposal production series, we’re sharing some helpful checklists and tools for you to use in planning your next proposal production effort. Download the… Continue reading Proposal production checklists (Part 2 of 4)

Proposal production checklists (Part 1 of 4)

As a follow up to Briana Coleman’s proposal production series, we’re sharing some helpful checklists and tools for you to use in planning your next proposal production plan. Download the… Continue reading Proposal production checklists (Part 1 of 4)

Confessions of a proposal production expert – delivery (Part 5 of 5)

All great proposal teams know the few golden rules of proposal development: Writers are more productive when they are fed. Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. And… You can’t… Continue reading Confessions of a proposal production expert – delivery (Part 5 of 5)

Confessions of a proposal production expert – editing (Part 3 of 5)

This week, Briana Coleman, PPM.APMP shares her top 3 tips for editing a proposal to get within page count—along with a tip about redacted proposals. Your editor should understand the… Continue reading Confessions of a proposal production expert – editing (Part 3 of 5)

Advice for proposal managers who become defacto capture managers

This week, Brenda Crist described the 25% Solution and provides advice for proposal managers who become defacto capture managers once an RFP drops. I titled this post the 25% Solution… Continue reading Advice for proposal managers who become defacto capture managers

7 more changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” –Alan Watts In this wrap-up to my 3-part series… Continue reading 7 more changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process

Five proposal yoga poses to reduce a proposal manager’s stress

Yoga is a great way to reduce stress, increase flexibility, and regain composure – all highly beneficial to the harried proposal professional. Lisa Pafe suggests some ways to incorporate these… Continue reading Five proposal yoga poses to reduce a proposal manager’s stress