Category: Proposal Management


How to improve the quality of proposal content – Part 1

Proposal managers are frequently faced with the challenge of proposal resources who can’t write well. We are often assigned technical resources with a reputation for poor writing and new resources… Continue reading How to improve the quality of proposal content – Part 1

20 ways to reduce B&P costs and still win

Many companies have experienced flat or declining sales in the prior year and, consequently, are dealing with reduced bid and proposal (B&P) budgets this year. This begs the question, can… Continue reading 20 ways to reduce B&P costs and still win

APMP releases new Body of Knowledge (BOK) – Lohfeld Consulting Group staff contributions

APMP International just released its new APMP Body of Knowledge (BOK) to its members. Per APMP: [The APMP BOK gives] you instant access to the most comprehensive, diverse representation of… Continue reading APMP releases new Body of Knowledge (BOK) – Lohfeld Consulting Group staff contributions

Capture and proposal innovations: time management

Time. As capture and proposal professionals, we find that it is most certainly NOT on our side. We are always battling time constraints and deadlines that fall at the most… Continue reading Capture and proposal innovations: time management

5 strategies to get your team performing…and winning

Productivity is getting maximum results for time and effort expended. For business development, capture, and proposal professionals, maximum results provide a greater number of qualified bids and/or bid-related activities, increased… Continue reading 5 strategies to get your team performing…and winning

How to stop the endless cycle of color reviews

Dear Proposal Doctor, How can we stop the seemingly endless cycle of color reviews? My capture manager forces the pink and red reviews way too early in the schedule and… Continue reading How to stop the endless cycle of color reviews

Q&A Part 2: Secrets from government source selection evaluations

Do you know how the government really evaluates proposals? Have you ever wondered what they look for when they read through each offer and what they like and dislike when… Continue reading Q&A Part 2: Secrets from government source selection evaluations

20 BD habits to kill off in 2015

Instead of writing about all the things companies should do to be more successful in their business acquisition efforts, I thought I would lead off the year by writing about… Continue reading 20 BD habits to kill off in 2015

The end of the incumbent empire – 10 ways to unseat the incumbent

In the past several years, incumbents have lost their advantage in the Federal Government market. Industry studies show that incumbent contractors now have approximately the same win rate on rebids… Continue reading The end of the incumbent empire – 10 ways to unseat the incumbent

How a Proposal Postmortem is like an Agile Retrospective

Looking back at the past and into the future makes me think of the Proposal Postmortem. Performing a critical Lessons Learned review of what worked well and what can be… Continue reading How a Proposal Postmortem is like an Agile Retrospective