Category: Business Development
How to compete in an LPTA environment?
During Bob Lohfeld’s recent Bold trends in capture and proposal management webinar, part of the Lohfeld Business Winning Webinar Series, Bob presented some of the more interesting trends in capture… Continue reading How to compete in an LPTA environment?
Continuation or rise in number of LPTA bids?
During Bob Lohfeld’s recent Bold trends in capture and proposal management webinar, part of the Lohfeld Business Winning Webinar Series, Bob presented some of the more interesting trends in capture… Continue reading Continuation or rise in number of LPTA bids?
Advice for proposal managers who become defacto capture managers
This week, Brenda Crist described the 25% Solution and provides advice for proposal managers who become defacto capture managers once an RFP drops. I titled this post the 25% Solution… Continue reading Advice for proposal managers who become defacto capture managers
7 more changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” –Alan Watts In this wrap-up to my 3-part series… Continue reading 7 more changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process
6 changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process
“Nothing endures but change. Change is the only constant.” –Heraclitus of Ephesus Business transformation, process improvement, continual improvement, business process improvement. Call it what you will. The gist of the… Continue reading 6 changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process
How experts got involved in capture and proposals Part 3 of 3
Exciting! Maddening! Crazy! Insane! Appalling! Rewarding! Challenging! No – not Monday Night Football or meal prep time at my house – the capture and proposals world! In this wrap-up to… Continue reading How experts got involved in capture and proposals Part 3 of 3
How to create a successful data call during capture
In today’s blog post, Lisa Pafe follows up on her previous data call-related advice with insights on how to develop data calls during the capture phase of your business development… Continue reading How to create a successful data call during capture
The art of the data call: proof points that POP
In today’s blog post, Lisa Pafe follows up on her 7 questions to ask before RFP release with insights on crafting effective data calls… In my previous blog, I discussed… Continue reading The art of the data call: proof points that POP
Expert advice on BD, capture, and proposal processes
“He that will not apply new remedies, must expect new evils: for Time is the greatest innovator: and if Time, of course, alter things to the worse, and wisdom and… Continue reading Expert advice on BD, capture, and proposal processes
How to win a recompete: project manager as proposal SME (Part 3 of 3)
Lisa Pafe’s previous blogs discussed how capture and project management can work together during recompetes to influence the customer and gather competitive intelligence. This week, Lisa discusses how the project… Continue reading How to win a recompete: project manager as proposal SME (Part 3 of 3)