Category: Business Development


Marketing: the engine and fuel that drives successful companies

Peter F. Drucker (1909–2005), the world-renowned management visionary and guru, was fond of saying, “Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two—and only two—functions: Marketing and… Continue reading Marketing: the engine and fuel that drives successful companies

How to navigate a significant decline in revenue

A significantly greater proportion of large businesses indicated that 2013 revenue was essentially flat or had a moderate decline, while a significantly greater proportion of small businesses indicated a significant… Continue reading How to navigate a significant decline in revenue

Can we really improve information technology procurement? Absolutely.

procurement By Eric Gregory, Senior Vice President of Consulting at Shipley Associates and Bob Lohfeld, Founder and CEO of Lohfeld Consulting Group Witness the latest debacle in IT procurement:… Continue reading Can we really improve information technology procurement? Absolutely.

How government contractors can reshape growth strategies in 2014

With three out of every four government contractors having flat or declining sales in 2013, it should come as no surprise that many companies are rethinking their go-to-market strategy and… Continue reading How government contractors can reshape growth strategies in 2014

How well did government contractors do in 2013?

Before this year fades from memory, I thought it would be instructive to take a look back at 2013 and examine how well, or not well, government contractors did in… Continue reading How well did government contractors do in 2013?

Lohfeld Consulting Group Holiday Greeting

Stop your business development, capture, and proposal management activities and take a moment to enjoy this holiday message from your team at Lohfeld Consulting Group.   In awesome admiration for… Continue reading Lohfeld Consulting Group Holiday Greeting

How contractors must adapt to a shrinking government market

Recently, Bloomberg BNA published a report advising that “contractors must adapt quickly to a shrinking government market by revamping their capture processes and forming concrete plans to make themselves more… Continue reading How contractors must adapt to a shrinking government market

How crazy subcontractors can kill your bid

Have you ever had a subcontractor kill your bid? Surprisingly, it’s not all that infrequent that a subcontractor can do you in. Here are some of the situations we have… Continue reading How crazy subcontractors can kill your bid

How is the capture process applied in LPTA competitions?

During Bob Lohfeld’s recent Bold trends in capture and proposal management webinar, part of the Lohfeld Business Winning Webinar Series, Bob presented some of the more interesting trends in capture… Continue reading How is the capture process applied in LPTA competitions?

Bold trends in capture and proposal management today

During Bob Lohfeld’s recent Bold trends in capture and proposal management webinar, part of the Lohfeld Business Winning Webinar Series, Bob presented some of the more interesting trends in capture… Continue reading Bold trends in capture and proposal management today