Tag: proposal process
Proposal brain
Do you feel forgetful? Is your thinking cloudy? Are you making mistakes? Are you scrambling your words? If so, chances are you have “proposal brain” or what some call “brain… Continue reading Proposal brain
Capture and proposal innovations: time management
Time. As capture and proposal professionals, we find that it is most certainly NOT on our side. We are always battling time constraints and deadlines that fall at the most… Continue reading Capture and proposal innovations: time management
6 more changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process
“He that will not apply new remedies, must expect new evils: for Time is the greatest innovator: and if Time, of course, alter things to the worse, and wisdom and… Continue reading 6 more changes experts would make to the BD, capture, and proposal process
Industry experts’ proposal war stories and lessons learned – Part 4 of 4
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead. In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man As modest stillness and… Continue reading Industry experts’ proposal war stories and lessons learned – Part 4 of 4
Industry experts’ proposal war stories and lessons learned – Part 3 of 4
What do two or more capture and proposal folks inevitably talk about when we get together – our latest war stories, of course! Just like ants and bees go back… Continue reading Industry experts’ proposal war stories and lessons learned – Part 3 of 4
Industry experts’ proposal war stories and lessons learned – Part 2 of 4
We’ve all heard, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (–Albert Einstein) Has this quote applied to any capture or… Continue reading Industry experts’ proposal war stories and lessons learned – Part 2 of 4
21 Experts’ predictions for capture/proposal industry changes – Part 3
Bundled contracts, unbundled contracts, emphasis on well-trained procurement support staff, training axed in cost-cutting measures, short turnarounds, extended and extended extensions, virtual proposals, everyone in the war room… The more… Continue reading 21 Experts’ predictions for capture/proposal industry changes – Part 3