Tag: opportunity identification
7 Reasons to meet the client before RFP release
The better you understand a new business opportunity, the more likely you are to make an informed decision about whether you should bid. Similarly, the better the government understands your… Continue reading 7 Reasons to meet the client before RFP release
Top 5 reasons to gather info about business opportunities – and what to gather
There are multiple reasons to gather information about an opportunity. 1. We need to confirm the four opportunity elements listed in our previous blog post, 4 Major Elements of Qualified… Continue reading Top 5 reasons to gather info about business opportunities – and what to gather
4 Major Elements of Qualified Business Opportunities
It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. –Mark Twain Determining if there is actually a business… Continue reading 4 Major Elements of Qualified Business Opportunities