Insights series
Insights, Volume 1
Lohfeld Consulting Group l Capture & Proposal Insights & Tips
Our experts share their proposal development and capture management-related tips, hints, and tricks—along with thoughts on best practices in proposal development.
This first volume includes discussion on a broad range of topics, including kick-off meetings, risk mitigation, compliance matrices, writing plans, boilerplate, resumes, LPTA, and much more.
What’s in Insights, Volume 1:
- The Lohfeld Team’s favorite business, proposal, and design books
- 4 Major elements of qualified business opportunities
- Top 5 reasons to gather info about business opportunities—and what to gather
- Top 10 reasons to vote your color team reviewers off the island
- Back to basics—spring cleaning
- 7 Reasons to meet the client before RFP release
- 6 Early-stage proposal products to identify and develop
- 10 Ways to mitigate proposal solution development risks
- 12 Required kick-off meeting elements
- 10 Topics to include in your kick-off meeting agenda
- Insights on low price, technically acceptable (LPTA) procurements
- 10 Ways to mitigate pursuit phase risks
- 4 Variables to consider while preparing orals presentations
- 10 Ways to mitigate competitive analysis risks
- 9 Key factors for winning proposals
- 12 Ways to mitigate proposal kick-off planning risks
- 7 Reasons to develop a compliance matrix
- 8 Ways to mitigate proposal post-production and lessons-learned risks
- 2-Step process for finalizing your proposal solution
- 10 Ways to mitigate proposal production and delivery review risks
- Proposal graphics must appeal to 3 types of client evaluations
- 7 Ways to mitigate proposal business case review risks
- 6 Rules for proposal graphics
- 11 Ways to mitigate final proposal document review risks
- 5 Essential elements for proposal writing plans
- 12 Ways to mitigate proposal strategy review risks
- 8 Required elements of a solid proposal production plan
- 4 Reasons to create a master document for every proposal volume
- 38 must-have templates and boilerplate repository artifacts
- 12 important tips for developing proposal schedules
- 13 must-have data elements for proposal resume templates
- 30 Must-have data elements for proposal past performance templates
- Don’t make these mistakes—12 vital proposal lessons
- Don’t make these mistakes— 7 proposal staffing lessons learned
- Capture proposal lessons learned—and then live them!
- Don’t make these mistakes—12 past performance lessons learned
- More top proposal books for proposal writers
- 7 problems with proposal teams…and 5 strategies for high performance
- Strategies and tactics to bring your team to a win